a Hope and a Future
Jesus Is Healing My Soul
Finding Strength in Surrender | Guest Post by Monae Black
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Although my heart was still broken, I felt lighter on the inside. Hope filled my heart, along with a desire to seek God’s righteous plans for my life. Next Sunday, I returned to the church and the following Sunday I went back again. Gradually, I grew in my faith and my love for Jesus Christ deepened as I learned how much He loved me.
One day, the pastor challenged us to read a Proverb a day for the next 31 days. Little did I know, this challenge would be God’s way of bringing greater healing to my heart.
While reading Proverbs Chapter 3, a scripture jumped out at me. It said, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.”
I prayed and asked God, “Can you help me to trust You more?” In my heart, the word “forgiveness” came up.
I knew it was time.
For so long, I had held on to the painful hurts and memories of the past. Now, God was inviting me to let go, so I could experience emotional healing. It was time for me to forgive my ex and several family members.
In Ephesians 4:32, it says, “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as in Christ God forgave you.”
The same mercy God had extended towards me, He wanted me to give it to others. Of course, I couldn’t do this in my strength. I needed His strength. Soon, I began working through the process of forgiving myself and those who had hurt me.
Today, I have a greater peace of mind and my soul is much healthier. I no longer struggle with anxiety and depression. Some relationships needed to be amended, and for others, I had to forgive and step away from them to protect my emotional well-being. I’ve learned to guard my heart from negativity such as – gossip, slander, hatred, and deceit. I am learning to embrace grace and choose the way of love.
My heart was once broken, but now God is healing my soul one step of faith at a time.
About the Author: Monae is passionate about living wholeheartedly for Jesus Christ. She has invited family, friends, and strangers to church! You can find her serving at her church or sharing her faith on social media!
Compassion can make someone’s day better, give them hope for tomorrow, and bring joy to a weary heart. It’s easy to think, “Lord, I have nothing to give.”
But what if you really do.
Living Generously
By Yvette Lanier
The crowds came hungry for Jesus to fill them with life—life that would heal their ailing bodies and broken hearts. Life that would restore their faith and remind them that God is with them. They heard of His miracles, His healings, and how His words give life. They wanted what He had to offer. Jesus saw the crowds and answered with compassion.
As the sun went down, evening made way for suppertime. The people had walked miles to be with Jesus. There was no restaurant or outdoor market nearby. Forget asking a neighbor, 5,000 people had to be feed. Walking home on an empty stomach . . . it troubled the Lord to think that someone might faint along the way.
Jesus’ disciples recognized the problem. “This is a remote place,” they said, “and it’s late. Send the crowds away so they can go to the villages and buy food for themselves.”
“That isn’t necessary,” Jesus replied. “You feed them.”
Read More In the Blog “Living Generously.”